8 Banded Butterfly Fish

Current price is: ₹1,249.00. Original price was: ₹2,199.00.

  • Kingdom – Animalia
  • Division – Chordata
  • Class – Actinopterygii
  • Order – Perciformes
  • Family – Chaetodontidae
  • Genus – Chaetodon
  • Species – Chaetodon octofasciatus
eight band butterfly

Current price is: ₹1,249.00. Original price was: ₹2,199.00.

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Product Description

small butterflyfish grows to a maximum of 12 cm long (nearly 5 in). Its
body is white, shading into yellowish on the belly. It has 7 black
vertical stripes over head and sides and one centrally on the snout. The
third line extends onto the ventral fins. There is a strong black
margin on the aft dorsal and anal fins
is a close relative of the Golden Butterflyfish (C. aureofasciatus) and
less close to Rainford’s Butterflyfish (C. rainfordi). Probably
including the Three-striped Butterflyfish (C. tricinctus) also, these
diverse but always high-bodied species make up the subgenus
Discochaetodon, of which C. octofasciatus is the type species. They
appear to be close relatives of the subgenus Tetrachaetodon which
includes for example the Mirror Butterflyfish (C. speculum) and together
with these would probably go in Megaprotodon if Chaetodon is split up.
Eight-banded Butterflyfish is found at depths between 3 and 20 m in
coral reefs. Adults swim in pairs in coral-rich areas of sheltered
inshore and lagoon reefs; juveniles can often be seen in groups among
Acropora corals. This species feeds exclusively on coral polyps.



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