Dyctoya Macro Algae

Current price is: ₹2,990.00. Original price was: ₹6,500.00.

Type : Sea Algae

  • Care Level : Easy
  • Growth Rate :  Verry Fast
  • Light Requirement : Moderate to High
  • Notes : Requires calcium water
Dyctoya Macro Algae

Current price is: ₹2,990.00. Original price was: ₹6,500.00.

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Product Description

Dictyota has “flat, ribbon-like axes” which exhibit dichotomous branching that may be either isotomous (equal or symmetrical) or anisotomous (unequal). Isotomous branches may be recurved, while anisotomous branches may become falcate (hooked), or cervicorn, if combined with twisting axes. Apical meristems of Dictyota species have been reported to be either truncate, rounded, or acute. A considerable degree of morphological plasticity has been observed from branching patterns, thus making molecular analyses indispensable when identifying species.

Colors of living thalli range from dark brown to green (as in D. friabilis) or blue (as in D. cyanoloma).  The thalli grow from apical cells which differentiate into an outer cortical and an inner medullary cell layer. Cortical cells on the margins of the thalli may grow into leaf-like projections or teeth (as in D. ciliolata and D. cyanoloma) while adventitious branches may grow from the central cortical cells. Thalli may also grow hair (20-50 um in diameter). Thalli attach to the substrate via rhizoids which are multicellular, uniseriate, branching, and hyaline (glassy or transparent). Different species may have one or several attachment points which can lead to a wide range of growth forms (i.e. creeping thalli or fully erect).


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