FUNGI CURE 1 Cure Superficial Fungal of Marine and Fresh Water Fish & Fish Eggs

Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹161.10.


  • Nitrite Poisoning
  • Ammonia Poisoning
  • Ich and White Sport’s
  • Velvet
  • Swim Bladder Disorders
  • Egg Fungus
  • Fish Stress

Directions for use:

2ML for 20 Litter’s


WARNING: Keep away from Live plants, Invertebrates, algae & microorganisms.

Don’t overdose & Avoid Skin Contact, Try Using Gloves.

fungi 1

Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹161.10.

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Product Description

 Fungi Cure 1 is used in both marine and freshwater aquariums for various purposes due to its antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties. Here are some of the benefits of using in aquariums:

  • Treatment of Fish Diseases: Fungi Cure 1 is effective so it against a range of fish diseases because including fungal infections (like fin rot and mouth fungus) and some.
  • Egg Fungus Prevention: To prevent fungal growth on fish eggs and ensure higher survival rates and healthier fry, breeders often use preventative measures in their breeding setups.
  • Detoxification: it aids in detoxifying nitrite and cyanide, which benefits newly established tanks where ammonia and nitrite levels may fluctuate.
  • Stress Reduction: It can help reduce stress in fish by promoting better oxygen transport through the blood, which is particularly
  • Wound Healing: It treats wounds and prevents secondary infections, promoting faster healing in injured fish.

Usage Guidelines
Quarantine Tank: 2ml for 20ltr water
For dipping process: 1ml for 5 ltr water.

When using as a dip, so prepare a separate and container with  but treated water and place the fish in it for a short duration .

  • Quarantine: because Experts often umethylene blue  quarantine than the main aquarium, as it can stain silicone, rocks, and decorations.

Water Changes: Regular water changes are  to remove any residual from the tank after treatment, ensuring that water parameters .

Staining:  can stain aquarium decorations, silicone seals, and equipment.

Overuse: Avoid overusing, as it can harm beneficial bacteria in the biological filter, potentially disrupting the nitrogen cycle.


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