Ornate Leopard Wrasse

Current price is: ₹1,499.00. Original price was: ₹1,899.00.

  • Care Level – Expert Only
  • Temperament – Peaceful
  • Color Form – Blue, Green, Orange, Tan, Yellow
  • Diet – Carnivore
  • Reef Compatible – Yes
  • Water Conditions – sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
  • Max. Size – 5″
  • Origin – Maldives, Philippines
  • Family – Labridae
  • Minimum Tank Size – 55 gallons

Availability: Out of stock

SKU: Wrasse Ornate Leopard Categories:

Product Description

The Ornate Leopard Wrasse, also known as the False Leopard Wrasse will
make a beautiful addition to the advanced or expert only aquarists
display aquarium. Like other members of the genus
these fishes require a fine sandy substrate as they bury themselves at
night for protection. They require a very well-established aquarium as
they naturally hunt for small crustaceans throughout the day.

Leopard Wrasse are challenging fish to adapt to a captive environment,
but in the hands of the expert reef aquarist who can provide these
fishes with the proper care and environment, they can thrive and make
for an incredible display. It is ideal to introduce Leopard Wrasse to
the display aquarium well before any larger or more active fishes are
introduced, so that they have ample time to settle in and adapt to their
new environment and start feeding on prepared foods well. If trying
to maintain a small group of these fishes, introducing them
simultaneously into the display is ideal. Like other Labroids these
fishes have the ability to change sex, as the most dominant fish in the
group can turn into a fully functioning male.


The Ornate Leopard Wrasse diet should include vitamin enriched frozen
mysis shrimp, vitamin enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty
foods along with a high-quality marine flake and marine pellet food.




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