Pinecone Soldierfish
Availability: Out of stock
Product Description
Sea and East Africa through Indonesia and Papua New Guinea to Samoa,
north to the Marshall Islands, Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands and south to
the east and west coasts of Australia. It inhabits coral reefs, both
seas and lagoons. It is a fish associated with the bottom living near
caves or rock crevices, where it can hide during the day. Most often it
occurs to a depth of 10 meters, but it can also be found at a depth of
50 meters.
The Pinecone soldierfish can grow up to a maximum length of 60 cm,
but the vast majority have a length of 18 to 25 cm. Its hallmark is red
body color, large scales and large bulging eyes. The color may vary
slightly between individuals from red to dark red with a dark band
running from the top of the gill cover to the base of the pectoral fin,
and the edges of the scales are reddish brown. The body is covered with chenoidal
(comb-like) scales similar to a rectangle with comb-shaped teeth on the
back edge. The scales have a rough surface, and there are also sharp
protrusions on the body of the fish. Above the pupil is a large black
spot, while below a smaller spot, which looks like a black vertical band
passing through the center of the eye. The first pectoral fin on the
spines and is usually folded along the body of the fish. It has a red
color, like the other fins, but others have additional white leading
rays. The second dorsal fin is soft and in shape and location
corresponds to the anal fin.
The Pinecone soldierfish is active at night, then it feeds mainly on
plankton, such as crab larvae. There are no obvious differences between
males and females. It is oviparous, fertilization is external, and eggs
and planktonic larvae. Juveniles reach sexual maturity after reaching an
appropriate body length, which is 11 cm for females and 7 cm for males.
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